Design Concepts
Pondering about a pond?

Pondering about a pond?

Water features and ponds in particular have greatly improved in the last 10 years. Improvement in UV stable pond liners, pumping and filtering systems, waterproofing membranes and composite materials have all helped ameliorate and increase the design possibilities. Ponds have an aesthetic value, a cooling effect and the sound of water helps reduce background noise....
Child's Play

Child’s Play

Most adults understand the very important educational role that playing has in the physical and mental development of our children. Schools, public playgrounds and private gardens are an integral part of the play setting in the maturing processes of children. The ability to explore, discover and imagine in a natural, or at least outdoor, setting...
Sydney lighting the way

Sydney lighting the way

Sydney’s innovative festival of light, music and ideas is just a week away from being switched on. New to this year, you can give the Sydney Harbour Bridge the paint job you’ve always wanted (without the back breaking labour and expense involved). Using the latest interactive lighting technology, you’ll be able to select a section...
Retaining walls from structural to decorative

Retaining walls from structural to decorative

In my hilly area, retaining walls are a necessity. They are used for both structural and decorative reasons. They serve the structural need of a garden to support paths, maintain slopes, create levels and for drainage purposes. When the structural retaining wall material is carefully chosen to suit the overall theme of the garden and...
Designing accessible paths for all

Designing accessible paths for all

When designing or constructing a path in a garden, be it private or public, we should always try our best to make it so that it provides a continuous accessible path of travel for the less able – people in wheel chairs and the visually impaired. The Australian Human Rights Commission defines a continuous accessible...
Bringing Art In The Garden

Bringing Art In The Garden

When we think of art, we imagine galleries, museums, grand houses, and paintings on walls. Rarely do we think of art as having its place in the garden. I am not talking of the bronze statues we see in public parks, nor am I talking of garden ornaments, I am thinking of the place of...
When 2 become 1: The Landscape Australia Expo and the Spring Green Expo Unite!

When 2 become 1: The Landscape Australia Expo and the Spring Green Expo Unite!

For the first time, The Landscape Australia Expo Queensland will be held alongside the Nursery and Garden Industry Association of Queensland’s annual Spring Green Expo on the 30th and 31st of July 2013 at the Gold Coast Convention Centre. Both events cater to the professional nursery and landscaping industries so there will a much greater range...
The River Gym - A step in the right direction

The River Gym – A step in the right direction

There is something that seems incredible wasteful about a room full of energetic bodies running, rowing and stair climbing all on the spot. What if we could harness this energy while simultaneously invigorating the experience of the gym? Sounds like a daring idea but Architect Mitchell Joachim has come up with the unique concept of...