Sydney lighting the way
Sydney’s innovative festival of light, music and ideas is just a week away from being switched on. New to this year, you can give the Sydney Harbour Bridge the paint job you’ve always wanted (without the back breaking labour and expense involved). Using the latest interactive lighting technology, you’ll be able to select a section...

Retaining walls from structural to decorative
In my hilly area, retaining walls are a necessity. They are used for both structural and decorative reasons. They serve the structural need of a garden to support paths, maintain slopes, create levels and for drainage purposes. When the structural retaining wall material is carefully chosen to suit the overall theme of the garden and...

Designing accessible paths for all
When designing or constructing a path in a garden, be it private or public, we should always try our best to make it so that it provides a continuous accessible path of travel for the less able – people in wheel chairs and the visually impaired. The Australian Human Rights Commission defines a continuous accessible...

Bringing Art In The Garden
When we think of art, we imagine galleries, museums, grand houses, and paintings on walls. Rarely do we think of art as having its place in the garden. I am not talking of the bronze statues we see in public parks, nor am I talking of garden ornaments, I am thinking of the place of...

Inner City Country Living
Being country born and bred, I’m showing my support and unbridled enthusiasm for Sydney City Farm and Sustainable Living Centre, our first working farm which is currently operating at Sydney Park in St Peters. The idea behind this initiative is to create a green sanctuary to showcase an eco-friendly future and a place where the community...

All is calm, All is bright at Pitt Street Mall
Sydney is festively dressed this Christmas in a new lighting scheme illuminating late night shoppers in Pitt Street Mall. The decorative new lighting system is suspended 14 metres above the ground and consists of 23 custom-made light fittings spaced seven metres apart along the entire length of the mall. Each fitting contains different coloured and styled downlights that...

Bricks & Paving / Design Concepts / Environmental Management / Exterior Lighting / Garden and Public Art / Green Walls & Green Roofs / Landscape / Landscape Architecture / Landscape Construction / Landscape Design / Landscape Supplies / Landscaping - Hard / Landscaping - Soft / Nurseries / Playground Equipment / Solar Power / Storm & Waste Water Systems / Street & Outdoor Furniture / Water Features / Water Management
When 2 become 1: The Landscape Australia Expo and the Spring Green Expo Unite!
For the first time, The Landscape Australia Expo Queensland will be held alongside the Nursery and Garden Industry Association of Queensland’s annual Spring Green Expo on the 30th and 31st of July 2013 at the Gold Coast Convention Centre. Both events cater to the professional nursery and landscaping industries so there will a much greater range...

Solar lamps which cater to everyone on the spectrum
Solar power is an affordable and environmentally friendly technology that everyone should consider for their exterior lighting needs. And by everyone, I don’t just mean for large public works and commercial projects, but also residential areas or even sub-Sahara regions of Africa. In the world’s poorest regions, kerosene lanterns are the standard form of night-time...

Great Crate at Green Square
We’ve all heard of Green Roofs and Green Walls, but how often do you hear of a Green Square? And where would you find such a thing? Green Square of course! From 21 September – 21 October as part of the Art & About Festival, Green Square station is home to The Great Crate. Measuring 10m²...

Smart Art
Architecture is no longer just a beauty contest; some of our best international designs are making headway due to their intelligent and daring design and personality. Who can discuss contemporary architecture without mentioning the Centre Pompidou, France’s infamous modern art museum? The Centre Pompidou was built in 1977 by Sir Richard Rogers and has remained...

Art & About in Sydney
While many world cities enchant us with their classical architecture, their boulevards, monuments and historic buildings, Sydney expresses itself in exciting contemporary design, making it a creative and colourful place to live, work and visit. No other time reveals this more than “Art & About,” which reinvents some of the city’s busiest public squares and...

Bright future for energy-efficient lights
With ecological sustainability a forefront issue in public consciousness, it is hard not to associate beautiful light installations with an irritating use of energy. However, with the development of increased energy efficiency, lights are back on the scene and brighter than ever. Energy efficient and solar lighting schemes are increasingly common in the public domain. The...