Design / Design Concepts / Drainage / Environmental Management / Garden and Public Art / Landscape / Landscape Architecture / Landscape Construction / Landscape Design / Landscape Structures / Landscaping - Hard / Solar Power / Storm & Waste Water Systems / Water Management
Shaping the Future of Urban Living
In the coming 30 years, Australia’s population is projected to increase by 11.8 million people – the equivalent of adding a city the size of Canberra each year for the next 30 years. As Australia’s largest cities face a watershed moment in their growth and development, many are looking far and wide to the next...

Integrating Drainage into Pedestrian Friendly External Areas
“Surface water management is crucial to the safety of pedestrian walkways and shared areas. The risk of slips in poorly designed areas is high, and liability can extend to architects and designers.” ACO Polycrete understands the importance of creating pedestrian safe external spaces. A wealth of information from recent studies supports the benefits of creating...

A Well Drained Future
To overcome the negative impacts of increasing urban environments, ACO ProfiLine offers a drainage system that will tackle the challenge of controlling water draining and enable a green roof to flourish. Green roofs and green walls are growing in popularity throughout the world, and for good reason. This eye-catching synergy of nature and cityscape is...

New Tile a Stormwater Solution
A new type of modular tile promises to help reduce flooding in cities hit by increased rainfall due to climate change. The streets of Copenhagen are to be the testing ground for the Climate Tile, created by Danish architecture studio Tredje Natur. The Climate Tile is designed to be used alongside or instead of existing...

Bricks & Paving / Design Concepts / Environmental Management / Exterior Lighting / Garden and Public Art / Green Walls & Green Roofs / Landscape / Landscape Architecture / Landscape Construction / Landscape Design / Landscape Supplies / Landscaping - Hard / Landscaping - Soft / Nurseries / Playground Equipment / Solar Power / Storm & Waste Water Systems / Street & Outdoor Furniture / Water Features / Water Management
When 2 become 1: The Landscape Australia Expo and the Spring Green Expo Unite!
For the first time, The Landscape Australia Expo Queensland will be held alongside the Nursery and Garden Industry Association of Queensland’s annual Spring Green Expo on the 30th and 31st of July 2013 at the Gold Coast Convention Centre. Both events cater to the professional nursery and landscaping industries so there will a much greater range...
Storm & waste water management
In a bid to make better use of our water and implement effective storm & waste water management strategies, many designers are now exploring new ways to create more sustainable landscapes. A topic of discussion among professionals at the moment when it comes to storm & waste water management is WSUD – water sensitive urban...