The Architecture of Health: Modern Lessons from the Medical Buildings of the Past
When UniSA architecture researcher, Dr Julie Collins, sat down a couple years ago to begin writing a book on the history of health and medical buildings, she could never have predicted the global situation she would eventually release it into. “I wrote a whole chapter on quarantine stations,” Dr Collins says, “and while I was...

Design Concepts / Environmental Management / Erosion Control / Horticulturalists / Landscape / Landscape Architecture / Landscape Construction / Landscape Design / Landscape Structures / Landscaping - Hard
Green Infrastructure to Make Cities More Liveable and Sustainable
The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) has released a Green Infrastructure Position Statement calling on non-government agencies, industry organisations and governments at all levels to make significant progress towards improving the liveability and sustainability of urban and regional settlements through Green Infrastructure. Green infrastructures are the strategically planned networks of natural and semi-natural areas...