The Architecture of Health: Modern Lessons from the Medical Buildings of the Past
When UniSA architecture researcher, Dr Julie Collins, sat down a couple years ago to begin writing a book on the history of health and medical buildings, she could never have predicted the global situation she would eventually release it into. “I wrote a whole chapter on quarantine stations,” Dr Collins says, “and while I was...

Won’t Somebody Think of the Children? Why We Should Design Cities Without Cars
More than half of Australian households own two or more motor vehicles, while only seven percent own none – we are, without a doubt, a car country. However, while countless advertisements celebrate the freedom cars provide, University of South Australia urban planning researcher, Hulya Gilbert, says there are growing reasons to question the cost of...

Design Concepts / Environmental Management / Landscape Design / Landscaping - Hard / Street and Outdoor Furniture
How Will Cycling Shape the Future of Our Cities?
NEXT Architects has curated the second annual Bicycle Architecture Biennale as a showcase of buildings that transform cities through cycling. Opening in Amsterdam, the BAB shows the work of international designers from around the world and explores urban design through social, economic and environmental projects. It was conceived by BYCS as a way to inspire...

Smart City Strategy
Cities have become the hub of human activity and economic progress. We find more and more people leaving smaller towns and reaching out into cities to make a dwelling, as well as make a living. Thriving cities are ones that offer easier movement for their citizens and convenience in everything that they do. These cities...