Design / Design Concepts / Environmental Management / Green Walls & Green Roofs / Landscape / Landscape Architecture / Landscape Construction / Landscape Design
Where Will all the Trees Be?
Green v Grey: What will our cities look like as temperatures and populations rise? Australia’s largest urban greening initiative has revealed 67 percent of suburbs and cities across the country will face significant challenges in growing and maintaining green cover in the future, as our cities grapple with a rising population, and grey spaces expand...

Design Concepts / Environmental Management / Landscape / Landscape Architecture / Landscape Construction / Landscape Design
Should the Grass be Greener?
Not all Parks Should be Green: 10 Tips to Design Landscape Infrastructure Does it make sense to design green parks in desert cities such as Casablanca, Dubai, or Lima? Ostensibly it does because they contribute freshness and greenness to the urban environment. In exchange, however, they disrupt native local ecosystems, incur high maintenance bills, and...

Big Doesn’t Always Mean Bad
Provision of well-engineered transport, energy and other service infrastructure is essential to good urban functionality. But as Australia undergoes an infrastructure boom, let’s not forget these major works can and should contribute to the social, cultural and human qualities of our cities. Urban infrastructure can range in scale, from the metropolitan to the human, from...