The very small village of Nundle has recently set a very big example to all surrounding towns and cities.
Nundle is located in the New England region of New South Wales, 60km from Tamworth. The area has a rich history as a once prosperous gold mining town in the late 19th century. However, after the nearby hills were cleared of gold, many of the inhabitants also left and Nundle today stands with a population of less than 300 people.
However, despite its size, Nundle has recently achieved a great feat – being nominated for 8 categories and winning 6 categories at the 2012 Tidy Towns Sustainable Community Awards. Nundle was awarded Winner of the Wildlife Corridors and Habitats Conservation Award for the Nundle Riverside Beautification, Winner of the Schools Environment Award for the Nundle Public School, Winner of the Waste Management and Litter Reduction Award for Nundle’s waste minimisation, Winner of the Water Conservation Award for Nundle’s water conservation programs, and Winner of the Overall Town Category. Nundle also picked up the Cultural Heritage Award which acknowledges its annual Go for Gold – Chinese Easter Festival.
Nundle Public School also received an environmental trust grant for its innovative vegetable garden scheme. Led by Kay Deaves and the school’s principal, Ian Worley, the school is a leader in promoting healthy lifestyle choices for children as well as instiling the importance of sustainable environments.
While a beautiful country town is its own reward, it’s nice to see a small community like Nundle isn’t overlooked for it’s great efforts.
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