Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturalists (IACA)

Consulting Arboriculturist
A Consulting Arboriculturist, commonly referred to as a Consulting Arborist, provides a broad range of verbal and written advice about trees in the urban environment. Usually Consulting Arboriculturists are in private practice and work as part of a team of other professionals, such as architects, town planners, landscape architects, engineers and ecologists.
Consulting Arboriculturists are different from Contracting Arborists in that they do not undertake pruning and removal of trees. While a Consulting Arboriculturist may recommend such work be undertaken, the primary focus of their work is to provide independent advice relating to tree health, tree management, tree protection, development impacts and hazards.
Organisational Profile
The Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists (IACA) was established in 2003 as a specialist professional body for Consulting Arboriculturists in Australia. Arborists involved in pruning or removal work are not permitted to become members. This demarcation removes any perceived conflict of interest in the tree assessment process, enabling unbiased advice to be provided by IACA members.
IACA provides events such as forums and seminars to bring together professionals to share knowledge about urban tree management and related topics.
The IACA membership encompasses a diverse range of skilled professionals who provide advice to both the public and private sectors. IACA members also represent the industry on advisory bodies such as Australian Standards, WorkCover, Standards for Training Practices, and Natspec.
This year IACA has introduced a third category of membership and updated its existing membership categories, which now include: Accredited Member, Associate Member and Affiliate Member.
Accredited Members hold a minimum AQF Level 5 or equivalent qualifications in arboriculture and are employed in private practice, as well as have demonstrated standards of report writing and ongoing professional development.
Associate Members hold the same qualifications as Accredited Members or are students of arboriculture and are building their professional skills and experience.
Affiliate Members have relevant Diploma level or higher professional qualifications but may work within local councils, statutory authorities, parks and gardens, education, or may be retired from the industry.
In order to ensure that a high level of competency is maintained, all Accredited Members are required to maintain Professional Indemnity insurance and Public Liability insurance and undertake professional development throughout the year.
Prior to undertaking any work, IACA members provide a fee proposal, clearly outlining what services are covered either by a set fee or, alternatively, an hourly rate. The range of services typically provided by IACA members includes, but is not limited to:
- Arboricultural audits
- Arboricultural impact assessments
- Pre-purchase tree inspections
- Tree risk assessments
- Expert witness testimony
- Tree valuations
- Arboricultural monitoring and certification during construction
- Tree management plans
- Structural integrity testing (Resistograph®, Picus Tomograph®, auger bit drilling)
- Root mapping (ground-penetrating radar, air knife, hand excavation)
- Significant tree assessments
A list of IACA Members is located on the IACA website. Contact an IACA Accredited Consulting Arboriculturist today.
Contact & Information
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists (IACA)
PO Box 1302
Parramatta NSW 2124
P/F 1300 853 288