Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA)

Greenlife Industry Australia (Formerly NGIA) is the peak industry representative body for the nursery and garden industry in Australia. In 2016, GIA commenced the implementation of its new strategy to guide the industry to 2020. The vision for this strategy is to "create a climate for our members and industry to grow and prosper."
The new strategy is built around five strategic imperatives:
Aim | To assist our policy development and advocacy efforts by having reliable and accurate industry statistics and data, and have an effective voice at federal, state and local levels.
The information generated will provide the platform to inform industry decision making, resource prioritisation, investment evaluation, strategic planning activities, market trends and tracking industry performance over time. It will also provide important information to NGI members
on individual business performance and market trends.
Aim | To improve communication with members, across the industry
and to the wider community.
GIA has a two-pronged approach to engaging with members and the industry. The first approach through direct communication to members. GIA is also responsible for the delivery of the levy-funded communications program to all levy payers in partnership with Cox Inall. This aim of the program is to increase the awareness and understanding by levy payers of:
- The R&D and marketing projects being undertaken.
- The outputs of R&D and how they can be implemented by businesses to improve productivity and profitability.
- How they can provide input into the strategic direction of levy investment.
There are two objectives from a structural point of view:
- To review the NGI structure to improve efficiency and remove duplication.
- To develop a long-term strategy and plan to create a peak body that represents the green industry sector rather than individual industries.
Aim | To optimise the intellectual property (IP) that exists within NGI organisations (national and state) to maximise benefits and value to members.
Within this strategic imperative, we are looking at how to optimise the assets and IP that exist within the NGI network to maximise benefits and value to members. The activities being progressed are:
- The National Nursery Biosecurity Program funded by HIA and managed by NGIA. It has a focus for all levy payers which is vital for the industry.
- The Nursery Production Farm Management System programs – NIASA, EcoHort and BioSecure HACCP. NGIA is responsible for the management and administration of the programs.
- Involvement in the HIA Strategic Investment Advisory Panel and the development of the Strategic Investment Plan for levy funds.
Aim | To improve the understanding of the role of plants in building capable, healthy and sustainable communities.
This strategic imperative is basically the 'marketing function' for NGIA to increase the demand for greenlife and planting stock for all urban and production horticulture. It has a focus on improving the understanding of the role of plants in building capable and healthy people and communities. The two key activities being progressed in this area are:
- NGIA’s involvement and oversight of the 202020 Vision (20V) Program. We continue to have an active role in the implementation of the 20V Program and assessing its performance. We are considering how to manage the transition of the program as we approach 2020 and how the marketing levy should be invested to leverage off the 20V Program into the future.
- Engaging with the end users of greenlife to build demand for products from production and retail nurseries members. The key end users to be targeted are consumers (20V will also address), retail (supporting NGI members), landscape businesses, production horticulture, government, revegetation and export.
Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA)
P 02 8861 5100