Turf Australia

Industry Profile
Turf is a natural, sustainable product that enhances the environment, keeps the Australian outdoor lifestyle active, and is an integral part of modern landscapes.
Turf is available Australia-wide and the use of sophisticated harvesting equipment and delivery processes makes it easy to specify in any landscape.
The turf industry is responsive to consumer demand and has a range of cultivars to suit general purposes as well as specialist needs, such as sporting fields, high-use areas, seaside gardens and waste water treatment facilities. New cultivars are more drought tolerant than cool climate grasses and will grow quite well on non-potable (grey) water and in part-shade conditions.
Turf Australia is the national peak industry body for growers and invites all to be involved. Turf Australia was formed in 2004 to support the growth of the industry as well as the profitability of its members.
Turf Australia has valuable resources on turf selection and management. The industry has a website that contains fact sheets, hints and tips, and general information on the benefits of turf. For more information visit turfaustralia.com.au
In addition, Turf Australia distributes an industry eNewsletter and quarterly industry magazine. To receive a copy send your request to admin@turfaustralia.com.au
Membership to Turf Australia is by application, which is available from the Turf Australia office or online at turfaustralia.com.au
Contact & Information
Chief Executive Officer | Matthew Lunn
National Office
PO Box 322
Kenthurst NSW 2156
P 0410 714 207
E admin@turfaustralia.com.au
W turfaustralia.com.au