Modern universities and educational institutions are unique public environments that require effective and safe facilities.

The Deakin University in Burwood, Victoria has recently been reinvigorated with a vast array of outdoor public facilities designed to encourage students and staff to utilise the busy campus.

Ace Contractors installed a range of Furphy Foundry's Street & Park Furniture for the redevelopment and the results are superb.

Our Metro Seats (made from cast aluminium and hardwood slats) populate the area alongside matching Metro Litter & Recycling Receptacles.

In addition, there are 16 Chaise Lounge Seats throughout the landscaped environment and five sets of our large, 240L durable Corso Litter & Recycling Receptacles.

Accompanying the seating products are power sources for laptops and devices as well as LED lighting so the space can be utilised after dark. 

Products: Metro SeatsMetro Litter & Recycling ReceptaclesChaise Single Lounge Seats and Corso 240L Litter & Recycling Bins
Location: Deakin University, Burwood VIC
Client: Ace Contractors
Street & Park Furniture: Furphy Foundry

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