Xanthorrhoea Johnsonii, commonly called Grass Trees, is an iconic species in Australia and has had a long history of cultural use both by Indigenous people and subsequently by Europeans. Xanthorrhoea Johnsonii is one of 28 species of grasstrees in Australia.
Din San stocks a range of sizes based on trunk size and the number of trunks in the one pot.
Grass trees are extremely hardy if well cared for in the initial stages of transplanting from the wild. Only a small number of reputable companies successfully transplant grass trees and Din San's supplier is one of them. Be wary, as it can be difficult to see whether a tree has been correctly transplanted for many months as its reserves are slowly depleted.
In poor bush soil the trunk will grow approx 9mm per year. So a tree with a metre long trunk could be 100 years old. In better soils, growth is much faster and trees are more likely to grow multiple heads.
Your purchase of these stunning trees from Din San will enhance your outdoor space and give you years of pleasure. An impressive feature, your grass tree will add value to your home and lifestyle experience.
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