The Nursery Industry Water Management Best Practice Guidelines were developed in 1997 to assist with water management processes and to promote the best practices for water management in production nurseries.
This publication aims to incorporate all the available information into a set of Best Practice Guidelines. It is intended as a practical guide for both nursery operators and the relevant authorities to use in order to achieve outcomes that are economically and environmentally sustainable.
This guide looks at the six goals for achieving sustainable water use:
- Efficient water used to minimise the business’ demand on the water resource.
- Irrigation management tools to ensure more productive and efficient use of water.
- Increased reuse of waste water to minimise the demand of the business on the water resource.
- Effective management of sediment and litter.
- Maximising the retention of nutrients to improve efficiency of production and maintain water quality.
- Environmentally responsible use of plant protection products to produce quality products.
To download a copy of these guidelines, please click here.
The nursery industry Water Management Toolbox was created to assist production nurseries in farm site water management. This resource comprises of simple calculators that growers can use to manage nursery irrigation and drainage water in order to support sustainable and responsible use of water resources, as well as the industry accreditation, certification and training programs.
The calculators are derived from:
- The popular industry book titled Managing Water in Plant Nurseries
- The industry training program Waterwork
- Existing industry programs and Nursery and Garden Industry Queensland
Indeed, this tool consolidates ALL existing industry calculators that have been developed over the past 10 years into a central repository.
All calculators within the Water Management Toolbox are in Excel format and can be saved individually on the user's computer. The entire Water Management Toolbox can also be downloaded as a zip file and accessed offline.
To acess the Water Management Toolbox, click here.
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