23 Jul 2020
Water play takes on a whole new dimension of fun with the Overhead Water Pump from PlayWorks. By showering water from above, this pump is ideal for engaging kids in water play without the need for extensive installations. Start getting your playspace ready for summer!

The new Overhead Water Pump from The Play Works is completely mechanical and relies on the action of the handle to draw water into the pump, encouraging children to play together to make the water flow.
The design technology offers playground designers the opportunity to use water in many more play situations with plenty of options for bespoke creations.
The Play Works has many water play accessories that can be installed in conjunction with any type of pump as well as in meandering water courses. These include sluice gates, timber troughs and plugs to make puddles that slowly drain away.
The water auger turns to draw water from ground level into a trough or table. This is particularly handy when designing accessible water courses.
The Play Works has also developed a tipping trough that includes activities that can be built into the troughs, such as the water wheel and mini sluice gate. These all complement the full-scale ground-level water activities already in the range.
For more information and to get your water playspace ready for summer, contact The Play Works via the links below.