07 Oct 2015
As AILDM celebrates its 20th year, their annual awards night is an opportunity to celebrate the next generation of talented designers. Get your ticket to the celebration NOW!

As AILDM marks its 20th year milestone it is vital that we come together and celebrate our great industry.
Our Awards night is a chance for our design leaders to inspire and champion all that is great in landscape design, and this year we have a special focus. We want to open doors for the next generation of talented designers, we want you to meet them; you never know that person may help your organisation win the Allan Correy Award next year!!
As design leaders we need you to join us. Help us launch the AILDM Design Master Class initiative and help us open doors, celebrate success and champion our amazing industry.
AILDM needs you! We have extended our ticket closing date to accommodate all those late tickets buyers. So, get in now and don’t miss out on this fantastic event.
The AILDM Awards Presentation will be held at the Museum of Contemporary Art on 23 October 2015.
Venue: MCA, The Rocks, Sydney - Quayside Room
Date: Friday 23 October 2015 from 7pm - 11pm
Cost: AILDM Members & Friends $140.00 pp. Student members $80pp
RSVP: Friday 16th October 2015
Universal Magazines is proud to be an Event Sponsor for the AILDM Annual Design Awards 2015.