13 Dec 2015
For an edge that looks great and outlasts almost any alternative, look no further than the new FormBoss ZAM™ steel option.

The unique FormBoss steel edging has outperformed expectations over the past 10 years. It’s installed in high profile places like Melbourne Olympic Park and Sydney’s Royal Botanic Gardens, with many more hundred kilometres installed around the country over the years. Most of that is in the trusted galvanised steel finish, or the rustic looking Corten, but now there is an even more durable and better looking version of FormBoss.

The new ZAM™ steel option is expected to last up to four times longer than galvanised steel thanks to its unique Zinc, Aluminium and Magnesium coating, hence the name ZAM™.
It also looks very attractive with its more uniform silvery look as opposed to the dull looking and spangled look of galvanised steel.
The FormBoss range is vast with edges from 75mm all the way up to retaining edges with a 580mm tall profile, and it also includes various staking solutions to suit any job. And it’s made here in Australia, so you can be confident of the quality and fast delivery times.
FormBoss is easy to cut and shape on site thanks to the unique and patented profile, that make it easy to create almost any shape you want on site saving you time and money. We also offer custom shaping if that’s required for your project.
Please visit our website for further information, or give us a call on
1800 367 626.