16 Jan 2012
Garden art can be an amazing way to help ensure that you achieve the look you want, whether it’s formal or whimsical.
If you have a garden in your yard, you know that it’s an incredible place to relax and unwind after a long day, or just stroll or sit to get closer to nature. However, you might be struggling to achieve the look and feel that you want for your garden area. Garden art can be an amazing way to help ensure that you achieve the look you want, whether it’s formal or whimsical, but it can also provide functionality as well as beauty. Here are a few clever garden art ideas to help you get started.
Use Decorative Containers
One of the best ideas for garden art is to combine art with functionality. Whether you have an in-ground or container garden, you can make use of planters and other containers. Decorative containers can be beautiful garden art objects, or they can feature whimsical painted scenes or container designs. Use containers throughout your garden area to add variety, style, beauty and even a touch of whimsy. Combine several small containers with a large one to create a focal point, or add some randomly placed containers to your pond area to benefit from this type of garden art.
Birdhouses Can Be Garden Art
Another option open to you if you want to add some interesting, creative garden art is to use birdhouses. While you’ll find functional birdhouses available, you’ll also find those designed to provide elegance and beauty – these often feature innovative construction materials, such as copper. You’ll find whimsical birdhouses available as well.
While you might think that statuary is really only ideal for formal gardens, you can find some clever garden art ideas here. Copper wire transformed into bees or butterflies can make wonderful garden art, while you can also repurpose other items into statuary – it takes little to transform an old bowling ball into a ladybug, for example.
Handmade Stepping Stones
If you have walkways or paths through your garden, you can make handmade stepping stones that will double as garden art. You can create mosaic stones very easily with a bit of quickset concrete and some broken coffee mugs. You can use pebbles, glass “pebbles”, and pretty much anything else you can think of to create these garden art objects. You’ll find that in addition to being eye-catching, they’re also fully functional, but make sure that there are no sharp edges left exposed if you use ceramic pieces in a mosaic.