28 Oct 2015
A $10,000 prize is to be awarded to the winning competition entry for a designer ‘dunny’ to be erected in the town of Kenilworth, QLD.

In an innovative twist to public infrastructure, the Sunshine Coast Council is launching a worldwide open competition inviting participants to design an “iconic and innovative” public toilet for Isaac Park in the town of Kenilworth, QLD.

With a design brief that includes the hope that the new building will create a sense of pride in the community and generate tourism in the rural town, the design competition is open to everyone from architects to design students and local artists.
Design Objectives include:
- Deliver a design idea for an iconic facility and an innovative work of public art that will attract attention and visitors to Kenilworth
- Celebrate the qualities of the site, Kenilworth and the district
- Generate a sense of excitement and pride within the Kenilworth Community
- Encourage collaborative relationships between design professionals and the local community
- Engage the community in discussion about art, culture and local identity
With a $10 000 prize on the line, entrants must “offer an exciting and original design idea for the proposed public toilet that generates widespread and sustained community interest.” The winning design must also take into consideration some unique site restrictions, including setting the design approximately 4m off the ground in order to accommodate occasional flooding.
The competition will be judged by Sunshine Coast architect John Mainwaring, Councillor Greg Rogerson, Queensland Art Gallery Curator Lynne Seears, sculptor Greg Johns and former Kenilworth Arts Council President Shirley Moreland.
“The Kenilworth Designer Dunny Competition recognises the importance of a building’s impact on its environment and also how the environment can influence the design of a functional and utilitarian structure,” Mainwaring said.
The competition is due to be launched on 31 October 2015. Entrants must submit their winning designs by 29 January 2016, with the winner announced in March 2016. Full competition details can be found on the Sunshine Coast Council’s website.