12 Jul 2018
A section of creek line in Erskine Park, NSW, recently underwent a dramatic restoration project, thanks to Factor3. The project was extremely challenging and included the development of a solid, naturalised watercourse, and long-term riparian zone stabilisation and management.
The scope of the project that Factor3 undertook included the set out, planting and establishment watering of 127,800 grasses, shrubs and groundcovers in riparian, wetland and ephemeral zones. The project covered a total area of over 68,500m2 with seven distinct planting zones.
The site was relatively level, with a slight gradient from the base of the wetland to the batter and adjoining access tracks. However, a steep batter had been created, which encompassed the largest area of the project (3.1 hectares) and included the highest quantity of plants.
The gradient made up one of three, with a width that ranged from 30-50 metres, which meant that planting and initial watering on this section of the project proved to be an arduous task.
The second largest area was the wetland and ephemeral areas that included the redirected creek and drainage swale. Jute mat was laid and planted with over 23,200 wetland species, which included an existing population of Bolboschoenus fluviatilis that was harvested prior to clearing.
The remainder of the embankment and within 5 metres of the top of the bank was planted with 40,000 ephemeral plants.
The remaining zones were planted with a mix of vegetation communities as per the VMP, which included a River Flat Eucalypt on Coastal Floodplains, Fresh Water Wetlands on Coastal Floodplains, and Cumberland Plain Woodlands.
The project took place throughout December 2017. There was no rainfall during the planting period as Sydney experienced one of the driest and hottest summers on record, which mean that it was essential that the revegetation was watered on installation and throughout the establishment phase.
This project, while predominantly a contract planting and plant establishment project for Factor3, allowed the company to showcase some of their other capabilities. These included F3 Aerial that provided drone footage throughout the project. This was utilised to provide data for the accurate measurement of the various planting zones for plant ordering and the provision of ongoing images and footage to assist in the maintenance component of the VMP.
Take a look at the footage below.