09 Sep 2021
Ozbreed has been busy behind the scenes, breeding and testing several exciting new releases for landscape professionals and gardeners alike.

Blue Horizon™ Eremophila glabra prostrate ‘EREM1’ PBR
Trusted by landscape professionals to handle the toughest conditions, Ozbreed’s improved varieties have been planted on roadsides, in large commercial projects, award-winning residential landscapes and in gardens Australia-wide as well as internationally.
Each new release product is backed by over 20 years of breeding experience and an average of 5-10 years of thorough testing on each plant.
Candy Burst™ Callistemon spp ‘CNU06' PBR Intended
Kicking off the new plant announcements is the Callistemon Burst Series, including Candy Burst™, Fluro Burst™, Icy Burst™, Snow Burst™, and Sweet Burst™ Callistemons. A standout in Callistemon breeding excellence, the colourful array of flowers emerge in spring, attracting birds and pollinators.
Sweet Burst™ Callistemon spp 'CNU15’ PBR Intended
Well-known for delivering improved native varieties, Ozbreed has four new additions for their native shrub and groundcover range to announce.
Blue Horizon™ Eremophila is a tidy, blue-grey undulating groundcover. Ozbreed has managed improve this native to thrive on the east coast of Australia, tolerating conditions far beyond the common form’s capabilities.
Ozbreed Flat White™ Pandorea is selected for its natural foliage density at ground level. When used as a climber, this plant is an excellent screening solution for narrow spaces.
Ozbreed Flat White™ Pandorea jasminoides ‘PJ01’ PBR
Aussie Flat Bush™ Rhagodia is a more compact and reliable form of the common saltbush. It maintains its shape with little or no maintenance and smothers weeds.
Aussie Flat Bush™ Rhagodia spinescens ‘SAB01’ PBR
Coastal Pink™ Correa is a pink flowering form of the popular Correa alba. An excellent survivor by the coast, its pink bell-shaped flowers are highly attractive to birds.
Coastal Pink™ Correa alba ‘COR10’ PBR Intended
On the back of breeding experience that brought landscape professionals Tanika® Lomandra, the top selling Lomandra variety in Australia for nearly 20 years, Ozbreed has two new Lomandra varieties to announce.
Evergreen Baby™ Lomandra is a compact, tough Lomandra with attractive fine foliage. About half the size of Tanika® Lomandra, Evergreen Baby™ Lomandra is suited for low line of sight planting requirements.
Evergreen Baby™ Lomandra labill. ‘LM600’ PBR
Pacific Sky™ Lomandra is a blue-hued Lomandra confertifolia with strong rhizome activity that has seen it perform better in heavy soils and full sun.
From hedging plants to winter flowers, Ozbreed also has some exciting new exotic plants to announce.
Ozbreed has bred three improved hardy Aloe plants including Sea Urchin™, Mighty Coral™ and Mighty Gold™ Aloes. Ozbreed’s Aloes require far less water during establishment phase and are compact to maintain line of sight requirements. Not just hardy, they spectacularly flower in winter.
Velvet sky™ Metrosideros has showy, red-orange flowers that bloom in spring, creating a beautiful contrast to its unique blue foliage.
Velvet Sky™ Metrosideros collina ‘MB01’ PBR Intended
Sweet Privacy™ Murraya is lower maintenance than regular Murraya form and just as reliable planted as a tidy hedge.
Finally, Thin Red™ Photinia is an improved form that has a smaller footprint for a hedge solution in narrow spaces.
Thin Red™ Photinia x fraseri ‘NP01’ PBR Intended
All of these thoroughly tested and trialed plants from Ozbreed add new opportunities to the landscape designers’ toolkit. Bred for purpose they each solve a problem, whether it be weed suppression or unsightly views to shrinking backyard sizes and the constant desire for something unique.
For more information on these new plants, download Ozbreed’s new plant brochure or contact Ozbreed via the links below.