Aimed in the right sustainable direction, this energy-efficient lighting plan shed illumination far and wide across the UK countryside.

Helping to light up a community, market-leading illumination specialist CU Phosco Lighting replaced 43,400 street lanterns across Suffolk County roads with LED upgrades. Working at the behest of local council, who aimed to become carbon neutral by 2030, CU Phosco Lighting’s objective was the reduction of energy consumption and the region’s carbon footprint, to minimise light pollution, and to bring down ongoing maintenance costs — all within an ambitious timeframe.

Not unlike Australia, UK councils hold requirements for lighting upgrades and renewals. A UK company with an Australian arm, and more than a century of experience, CU Phosco Lighting was well equipped to handle the region’s upgrades to ensure the best possible outcome for energy savings and a reduction of emissions. 

The extensive project used CU Phosco Lighting’s E950 and P863 LED lanterns to light up the roads and residential areas in Suffolk. The E950 is a high-quality, low-cost solution to replace existing sodium discharge and compact fluorescent luminaires on residential roads. It is Dark Skies friendly, offering excellent optical

cut-off and drastically reducing light pollution. The P863 excels in optical performance, thermal management, compatibility and serviceability, making it ideal for high-trafficked roadways and resulting in an uncompromised outcome of efficiency and versatility that is futureproofed for an optimised investment.

The aesthetic appeal of the designs was very much in keeping with the atmosphere of the local area while still being fully capable of supporting the latest LED technology in order to meet project aims. Additional requirements for the project included the support of CCTV capabilities, with assured clarity of images to guarantee the safety of the area. Both the E950 and P863 LED lanterns meet the latest British Standard 5605 for roads and conservation areas, and provided compliant lighting levels.

Installation was achieved by BouyguesEnergies & Services with great success. Completed in just 12 months, the project was able to accomplish several of its key objectives in a relatively short period of time. Notably, the project achieved 76 percent energy savings, resulting in £1.7 million in annual electricity cost savings for Council to date. In addition, the LED technology used in the upgrade is expected to increase the lifecycle of the equipment, providing further cost savings in the long run. The upgrade also guarantees better facial recognition and improved light cut-offs resulting in less light intrusion into residential properties.

“The energy-efficient LED technology provided by CU Phosco Lighting not only vastly reduces energy consumption and increases the equipment lifecycle, but it also played a crucial role in enabling the project to be completed within the tight timeframe,” notes Matt Fitzpatrick, Bouygues Energies & Services Sales Director.

“The P863 and E950 LED lanterns were easy to install, which helped our team deliver the upgrade quickly. This LED Street lighting upgrade not only brings notable benefits to Suffolk’s local communities but also provides the Authority with significant carbon savings to help the County achieve its Net Zero ambitions. The decision to commit to this project and the speed at which it was delivered has meant the Suffolk County Council will also realise a return on investment of just over four years,” he adds.

Working with a clear objective, this project has ably demonstrated that large volumes of luminaires can be replaced in a very short timeframe through good project management and partnerships between contractors and suppliers.

Client Suffolk County Council
Location Suffolk, UK
Install Bouygues Energies & Services
Lighting supply CU Phosco Lighting

CU Phosco Australia Pty Ltd

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