06 Aug 2014
H2O Designs exciting new projects and 2014 has already proven to be a year of great achievements for the company.

So far, 2014 has proved to be a year of great achievements for H2O Designs as we work on some amazing new projects and our China manufacturing division celebrates a successful first year in production.

We continue to work with LICOM76TM to create spectacular custom water features and planter boxes that pushes the boundaries of its lightweight concrete nature as shown in the projects below:
Green Square Planter WallOur vertical wall panel planter boxes manufactured from LICOM76TM created the perfect backdrop to the library and pool space of this newly constructed urban precinct.
Ti Tree Lodge, Aged Care FacilityWe created a magnificent 6m tall Mylar lace water feature in the entry foyer with 35 individual back-lit Mylar lace ribbons, creating the appearance of water falling from the ceiling.
China Manufacturing DivisionIn the past year we have worked extensively with our team in China to ensure the highest quality of product our clients have come to expect from H2O Designs is met with the advantage of cost efficiency. Below are just some projects to have come out of our China factory with many more in production.
East Village, ZetlandsWith a total of nine water features varying from 4-20m long by 1-2m wide, this was one of our first projects, proudly designed in Australia and manufactured in China.
Power St Apartments, HawthornSix KUBE Series planter boxes and 18 B-Green Balustrade planter boxes complete with fixing stanchions up to 1800mm in height were prefabricated for this apartment building, currently in the installation phase.
Element Apartments, ElsternwickA total of 58 KUBE Series planter boxes with our new multi-planter drainage connection system are currently being custom-made at our China factory.
After something custom designed for your next project? No problem, our Melbourne division can fabricate unique and custom planter boxes, water features and architectural products for any residential or commercial project. For larger orders and large-scale projects which are more cost driven, take advantage of our China manufacturing division.
Contact us today so we can help you find the perfect solution for your next project.
Images (top to bottom): Zetland Square; Ti Tree Lodge; and Green Square.