01 Oct 2014
With Omnitech Playgrounds’ extensive range of inclusive playground equipment, play is accessible for children of all abilities.
Omnitech Playgrounds is committed to providing play opportunities that are inclusive for all children. Omnitech believes that play should be accessible for all children.
With innovations in inclusive play equipment, Omnitech has developed new ramps, sensory panels and interactive play systems to aid play opportunities for all abilities.
These extensive playscapes provide platforms for physical challenges, social interaction and intellectual stimulation.
All children have the same desires for fun and excitement and Omnitech understands how important play is as part of a child’s development. With tactile and comprehensive play systems, Omnitech has a range of complete units, activities or separate components that together can form the perfect inclusive playground.
With physical, cognitive, social and sensory events, Omnitech play equipment facilitates the use of active play spaces where children of all abilities can play side-by-side.
Based in Melbourne, this equipment has been designed by Omnitech’s in-house design team and manufactured on site. Each playground is unique, specifically meeting the needs and requirements of each play site.
Using locally sourced steel and recycled plastics, these playgrounds are made to last, and are being installed all over Australia by Omnitech (VIC, WA, TAS) and its interstate partners, Austek Play (NSW, NT, QLD), The Playground People (ACT), and Outfront Concepts(SA).
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