07 Feb 2024
ODS Open Space Insights talks to thought leader Nathan Lee from play specialist Willplay

Q What opportunities do you predict for the growth of your industry in 2024?
A Like any industry, most manufacturers offer something different, whether it be price, quality, design or lifecycle. And, like all industries, product quality and aesthetic varies from brand to brand. The premium end of the Australian play and fitness industry has continued to develop over the last decade and we now offer designs and quality to rival manufacturers from every corner of the globe.
As planners, architects and developers look for the best project outcomes, supporting Australian manufacturers will continue to see growth for premium local manufacturers. Great quality and reduced lead times mean the Australian-made play and fitness market will continue to create better outcomes for Australian projects.
With a plethora of destination park projects being designed at the moment, innovations in equipment design and materials at this level will trickle down to smaller local and pocket parks, so that end users will be able to play and grow in a safer, much more fun way.
With the new generation of fitness equipment being designed to be more functional, this market will grow and develop further to allow all users to build and develop their fitness, helping to curb the modern health issues caused by lifestyle changes and increases in sedentary habits.
Q In what direction would you like to see your company move over the next five years?
A WillPlay prides itself on the ranges we have designed and developed over the past decade, and have pushed the market to look at material quality, lifecycle costs and the environmental impact of our manufacturing processes. They say imitation is the ultimate form of flattery, so looking around the market to see other manufacturers pushing their quality and design aesthetic in a similar direction has meant that WillPlay is a genuine innovator in this space. WillPlay will continue to invest heavily in new material selection, digital manufacturing technologies and design innovation. Developing our team is also important to us. We will continue to invest in our people, ensuring a safe and inclusive work place.
Q What do you feel is your industry’s biggest contribution to the public space arena over the last decade and what lasting changes has it supported?
A With a change in the way Australians live and the gradual shrinking of backyards, public spaces have become more important for play and exercise for children and adults alike. The local park has become more important to our physical and mental wellbeing, encouraging changes in how these spaces are used and designed. As children (and adults) have become more sedentary, a well-planned park and play area is becoming even more important.
The industry in general has stepped up with fresh designs to keep kids engaged and parks are being designed to activate all ages and create a real destination to play, exercise and relax. In addition, with a push to more functional and practical fitness areas, the revolution in fitness equipment means that parks are now a genuine place to develop and maintain fitness, and engage with others in the great outdoors.
Q What is unique to your company that is not being done by others in your industry and why is it valuable?
A WillPlay has been an industry leader in premium material selection and building equipment with a longer product life and lower lifetime operational costs. Our material choices mean we are able to offer industry-leading warranties and reduce the environmental impact of our business. For example, WillPlay’s Will-Fit range offers a completely new range of equipment that takes advantage of new fitness standards and produces better value for projects, and reduces ancillary costs. This means more equipment and better designs for the benefit of all users.
Q Who is your target audience and what is it you want them to be most aware of regarding your industry?
A As an industry, we have an obligation to create the best outcomes for our clients and, ultimately, the users of these assets. Functionality, user engagement and best value for money are key. Planners, architects and developers need to understand their audience and design accordingly. A custom play system that has little play value might look great on paper, but low play value creates a white elephant that may look great but doesn’t get kids excited.
Play equipment is critical in children’s physical development and we want to engage them, educate them and have them push their physical boundaries in a safe manner. Aesthetics are great, but not at the expense of play value and keeping kids engaged and active. A well-designed play project ticks all the boxes and becomes a legacy for the client and a destination for kids and families alike.
Nathan Lee has been in the play and fitness industry for 13 years. While National Sales Manager of a gate and hardware manufacturing business, Nathan was headhunted into the “swings and roundabout” sector. Nathan is an avid surfer, cyclist and ocean ski paddler, and loves nothing more than watching the public enjoy the projects delivered by WillPlay — and still loves getting out and being the test pilot for any new park project.