07 Oct 2021
Transform any outdated concrete alfresco into a modern low-maintenance deck with Futurewood’s range of composite timber decking solutions.

Futurewood now offers a large range of composite timber decking solutions to cover any deck as well as a simple and cost-effective solution to turning an ugly concrete alfresco or balcony in to a modern, beautiful, low-maintenance deck.
Futurewood has two ranges of distinctly different composite timber decking and four types of boards to choose from as well as a new specially designed aluminium joist and low-height adjustable pedestal sub frame.
The addition of the new low-height sub frame makes it easy to install a CleverDeck composite timber deck over the top of any ugly old concrete patio or alfresco area.
The combination of the low-height aluminium joist and adjustable height pedestals allows for installations over rough concrete or old pavers down as low as 66mm. You can match the height of the outside deck to the internal floor and not have a step and if your project has doors that open out over the patio, traditional framing would often be too high and would not allow the doors to open.
This simple solution is very cost-effective compared to a traditional decking subframe and where there is more height available you can substitute a treated pine joist for greater spans (less pedestals) and further cost savings. The decking component of your overall landscaping project will be more cost-effective, and this added time and material saving can be used to help win the job or enhance other areas of the project.
Futurewood’s premium composite timber decking boards offer both capped and traditional solid composite timber boards across a range of price points with two board widths and up to 14 colours to choose from. Custom made profiles, colours and lengths are also an option for larger projects.
CleverDeck Original composite timber decking is a solid double-sided board finished with a coarse sanded texture that makes the product look and feel like timber.
CleverDeck Eco-Pro offers the same features of the Original board but in a scalloped back single sided board to reduce weight and heat.
Both boards are made from recycled plastic, rice husks and hardwood sawdust, with the colour pigments running through the decking board eliminating the need for oiling or painting. It will not rot, splinter, or cup.
Futurewood CleverDeck Xtreme ‘capped’ composite decking board is a co-extruded decking with a hard, outer shell made from virgin polymers that surrounds a traditional composite timber core. The Xtreme cap is made from a blend of different polymers designed to make it super tough and much harder to scratch than traditional composite timber. It is virtually waterproof and that means it is very hard to stain and easy to clean. Vibrant colour hues with subtle streaking creating a totally new decking ‘look.’ The Xtreme board is available in both a 138mm wide and a 185mm wide decking board in up to seven amazing colours. The boards are scalloped backed to reduce weight and help dissipate heat.
All boards are supplied in 23mm thick x 5400mm long lengths with grooved edges that work seamlessly with Futurewood’s concealed fix clipping system. The long boards and easy to use clips add further value by reducing installation time and saving on labour costs.
Futurewood offers quality alternatives to traditional timber products and the range of options gives you plenty of reasons to talk to Futurewood about your next decking project.
For more information about Futurewood’s composite timber decking range, architectural facade cladding and screening or street furniture profiles call 1300 484 308 or click on the links below.