10 May 2018
Phytophthora disease has greatly affected almost 75 percent of sites across Australia, significantly hindering plant growth. The ultimate prevention for planting areas that receive water runoff is to choose Phytophthora-resistant or immune Lomandras.

Plants that are less resistant, such as Tanika® Lomandra longifolia ‘LM300’ PBR, are more suitable for raised areas such as the upsides of paths, slopes and raised median strips.
The following varieties from Ozbreed are highly phytophthora resistant.
Tropic Cascade™/Southern Cascade™ Lomandra hystrix ‘LHWP’ PBR | Well-suited to tropical and sub-tropical regions. It can handle wet periods and has survived in cold temperatures down to -4°C. This plant also has good erosion control capabilities, strengthening the soil by 159 percent. (Refer to the image above).
Sold as Southern Cascade™ in southern NSW, ACT, VIC, SA and WA.
Katie Belles™ Lomandra hystrix ‘LHBYF’ PBR | The best performing evergreen Australian native rain garden plant. It is ideal for mass planting in wet and dry landscapes, the edge of watercourses, drainage channels, and specimen planting. It is also a great option for erosion control, strengthening the soil up to 285 percent.
Lucky Stripe™ Lomandra hystrix ‘LMV200’ PBR | A tough, reliable variegated plant, even in humid climates. Unlike other variegated plants, Lucky Stripe™ Lomandra generally remains spot free. This plant is ideal for mass roadside plantings and rain gardens and is excellent for erosion control. It is a long-lived plant that does not produce viable seed, so it will stay where it is planted.
The following varieties are the only 2 Lomandra varieties in Australia to show 100 percent resistance to Phytophthora. At this time there have been no recorded deaths of either variety due to Phytophthora.
Evergreen Baby™ Lomandra labill. ‘LM600’ PBR | A very tough, compact Lomandra that is drought- and wet feet-tolerant. Unlike the multitude of compact Lomandra confertifolia types available, the Evergreen Baby™ plant came from Lomandra longifolia origin. Longifolia plants are far tougher in the wet and heat compared to the traditional small confertifolias that only occur in dry shade forests.
Shara™ Lomandra fluvialtilis ‘ABU7’ PBR | A fine leaf Lomandra for humid landscapes; the number one performing rooftop garden plant. The Shara™ plant is a good option for erosion control as it strengthens the soil by 225 percent. This plant will tolerate periodic wet feet, but not permanent.
For more information on these plants and to see the entire stock range, refer to Ozbreed’s Browse Plants by Trade Name list.