02 Nov 2017
Plans for a new riverfront communal space in Warsaw, Poland, have been proposed with the aim to balance the urban and natural environments and provide a bright, open space for riverfront recreation.
In Warsaw, Poland, architecture firm WXCA won the masterplan proposal for a stretch of riverfront along the Vistula River. The Vistula River Boulevards are among the most frequented public spaces in the city and gaining popularity as entertainment and cultural offerings become available. WXCA’s winning design for Kahla Square aims to resolve the disconnect between the river banks and to provide amenities to support waterfront activities.
Activating the space that ties together the Copernicus Science Centre, the Academy of Fine Arts, and future sports facilities, complimentary outdoor spaces were proposed. The Polana Sztuki clearing for the arts, the Park Odkrywców discover park, and the Skwer Sportów Miejskich support the existing cultural attractions while providing accessible ground-floor services for public use.
With sensitivity to the weather of Warsaw, WXCA has designed an urban roof to lengthen the riverfront recreational season. The covered areas also allow activities to take place over a longer period of the day, including evening gatherings at the food pavilion and at events.
The winning entry for the Vistula River Boulevards competition for the city of Warsaw balances the human need for contact with nature while providing urban density thus creating a rich and dynamic environment to live in. WXCA's concept aims to strike the balance between the urbanised environment and the natural landscape.