08 Jul 2021
The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) have revealed the winners of the 2021 South Australia Landscape Architecture Awards.

AILA recognised five Awards of Excellence and nine Landscape Architecture Awards across nine categories along with two regional and four state-based awards, highlighting projects which celebrate spatial, social, and cultural importance of place.
The jury applauded the entrants’ nod to the past, integration and amplification of character, woven storytelling, and leadership to overcome technical and compliance challenges.
AILA South Australia President Daniel Bennett said that this year’s winners have, despite the challenges of the past year, delivered on AILA’s mission of projects adapting to climate change, respecting the landscape, and reflecting cultural diversity.
“These awards celebrate the ability of landscape architecture to change the world, and reflect our focus, respect for people, determination, tenacity and expertise,” Mr Bennett said.
“It’s impressive to see the extraordinary standard of work delivered across South Australia by landscape architects, who understand the importance of shaping projects, our places and communities.”
This year’s winners, from the ‘of the place’ Salt Wind Garden, to the ‘people centred’ Design King William and the ‘environmental and social benefiting’ Suburb Improvement Program, demonstrated layered landscape driven approaches which celebrated the importance of place.
Salt Wind Garden
Design King William
While the ‘student learning focused’ Woodcroft College ELC Outdoor Learning Area and the ‘cultural storytelling’ of The Kaurna Learning Circle & Karrawirra Parinangku, strove towards a brighter, more inclusive future.
Woodcroft College
Kaurna Learning Circle & Karrawirra Parinangku
A leading commitment to urban revitalisation of Adelaide was highlighted through AILA South Australia’s 2021 Healthy Parks Healthy People Award to Tonsley Forests by Oxigen Pty Ltd.
The project demonstrated a prominent commitment by the State Government to create a new type of green public space in Adelaide, a city with a strong tradition of formal parks and squares and natural open spaces.
Tonsley Forests
The new urban and green heart of the former car manufacturing site within an emergent innovation precinct, embraces its industrial past whilst acknowledging a newer, greener future.
View the entire list of winners here.