14 Mar 2023
Specticle® Herbicide from Envu sets a new standard for pre-emergent weed control and provides many benefits to the grounds overall look and longevity.

Specticle® Herbicide aids in the control of crowsfoot-grass, summergrass, winter grass, paspalum, chickweed, capeweed and ryegrass breeds and many other breeds of weed and can be used for weed maintenance in many outdoor zones including golf courses, parks, sportsfields and other turf areas.
The benefits of Specticle® Herbicide range from its ability to maintain and control a variety of weeds. These include:
- Superior turf quality and playability as a new standard of weed control in warm-season turf.
- Longer residual control meaning fewer applications and reducing fuel, labour and pesticide cost in the process.
- Easier application scheduling. Due to longer residual control with Speciticle® means a wider application window, giving more flexibility to turf managers.
Specticle® Herbicide is not expected to control weeds that have already emerged prior to application or perennial weeds emerging from rhizomes and roots.
If treating sensitive grasses affected by heavy rainfall, irrigate the area after application of Specticle® Herbicide or action as directed on the label.
Read more about Envu Specticle Herbicide at au.envu.com/turf-and-ornamental-management/products/specticle