14 Apr 2022
Tired of Ornamental Pear, Evergreen Magnolia and landscape designs with minimal variety? There is no need to restrict the creative designer in you when there are many trees to choose from at Speciality Trees.

The stunning autumn foliage colour of Acer negundo ‘Sensation’
What is most needed is a good understanding of what you are trying to achieve, keeping an open mind, and cultivating a keen eye for visual contrast. Of course, not everything will grow where you may want it to, but as a longstanding supplier to the landscaping trade, Speciality Trees can assist you with the right tree advice for your particular circumstances.
With the internet at our fingertips, it is easy to research what you like and be inspired creatively by what is being done here and around the world. And shows like the recent Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show can stimulate the thought process with beautiful arrangements and even new use of trees and green life that have been forgotten or that have fallen out of favour.
Looking for a fresh take on current trends? It is often easier to follow a trend than create a new one but maybe our collection of underutilised trees may encourage you to try something different in your next design or installation.
The Irish Strawberry Tree has an attractive red stringy bark that exposes the cream coloured bark underneath. It has white bell flowers tinged with pink during Autumn and Winter but can flower longer. Edible fruits appear green and then ripen to a bright red. The dark green leaves have a decorative serrated edge making this an all-round beautiful tree. Growing to 7m tall, it is one of a very few flowering trees available that is evergreen and small growing.
Arbutus unedo - Irish Strawberry Tree
Another in the flowering, small growing, evergreen category is Azara mirophylla or Vanilla Tree. Originating from South America this tree has small deep green foliage growing on slightly upward branches. Small yellow flowers are borne in spring and bring with it a beautiful vanilla fragrance, hence the tree’s common name. Growing to 8m tall, it has an architectural quality due to its sparse layers of tight foliage and can be pruned to keep small.
Azara Microphylla - Vanilla Tree
Slightly smaller at 6m tall but packing considerable colour punch is Trident maple – Acer buergerianum. This small deciduous tree has ascending branches when young, maturing to a more rounded canopy. Leaves are small, triangular and tri-lobed. New spring foliage is a rich bronzy-red colour maturing to dark green in summer and then yellow to orange to red in autumn. Formative pruning is essential to a great specimen so ensure that you look for one with a strong single leader.
Deciduous Acer buergerianum
A taller option for a deciduous feature tree is Acer negundo ‘Sensation’. This tree is more advanced than its straight Box Elder parent. It is more medium-sized (to 9m) in height with a beautiful symmetrical shape and an upright growth habit. New foliage has a reddish-green tone and in autumn, leaves put on a show of reds, oranges and yellows. We have both the parent tree and ‘Sensation’ growing at our Benalla site in country Victoria and truly believe there is no comparison when it comes to selecting for size, form and colour.
Acer Negundo 'Sensation' in Summer and Autumn
Visit the company website at, call 03 9554 2000 or email at for tailored assistance with your next project.