by DesignBUILD

DesignBUILD is excited to launch a new show floor feature in 2016 – DesignBUILD Incubator!

We know innovation is the key to longterm success, so we want to reward those in the industry who are driving their sector forward with revolutionary ideas and help them get a start in front of the key industry decision makers. That’s why, we are inviting submissions from companies or individuals who have a concept or product that is genuinely innovative to compete for 1 of 5 FREE DISPLAY SPACES at DesignBUILD 2016.

To be eligible, you must not have previously exhibited at DesignBUILD and must have a product, sample or project plan to showcase onsite.

What does innovation look like?

You tell us! We want to know what the future of the architecture, building, construction and design community will look like and as we’re turning 30 we want to celebrate what the next 30 years will bring. Whether it’s a creative drainage technique or new surfacing technique we want you to apply.

How to Enter

For your chance to present your concept to over 6,600 architects, building contractors and specialists, designers, manufacturers and the media FREE OF CHARGE, please complete the form below and submit by 31st January 2016. All submissions will be reviewed by our esteemed industry judging panel with nominations being announced by 26th February 2016.


Send Enquiry To DesignBUILD