8 October 2014
Pebbles that are as unique as the landscape they evolved in, a simple and pure expression of beauty in nature.

Cowra is situated three hours west of Sydney, in the Lachlan Valley, and is the source of one of NSW’s most recognised landscaping material the Cowra White and Cowra Gold Pebble.

For over 60 years this small Cowra quarry has been making a big impact, producing pebble for decorative, landscape and industrial purposes, and with our current reserves it means Cowra Quartz will be producing White and Gold pebble and sand for upwards of 40 years.
You will find both of these pebble varieties in all good nurseries and landscape yards available for retail sale, but don’t worry if you can’t, we can supply either direct to your job or ex-bin from the Quarry at Cowra.
The Cowra pebble is not just used in landscaped gardens, it can also be found in projects including architect designed homes on the Great Ocean Road and water filtration systems in the South Pacific Islands. The products are also used extensively in exposed concrete applications.
A part from the iconic 20mm product lines, there are almost 30 other products that regularly make their way into such diverse applications and industries including, Bricks, Pavers, Water Filtration, Exposed and Honed Concrete surfaces, Terrazzo, Asphalt and High Spec Concrete.
It doesn’t just stop there, Cowra also produces washed, high grade, fine silica sand. The high silica content enables customers to utilise the sand in specialty concrete situations including, scientific laboratory walls where low radiation absorption is needed. It’s also widely utilised in premix concrete, in fact most RMS jobs in Central West NSW use Cowra sand.
Please contact our sales team on 02 9986 3500 or email if you would like a sample or further information regarding any of our Cowra Quartz pebbles or washed, high grade, fine silica sand material for spring 2014.