International Erosion Control Association (IECA)
The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) serves as a global resource for people who share a common responsibility for the causes, prevention and control of soil erosion. IECA is a non-profit, international, member organisation that provides education, resource information and business opportunities for professionals in the erosion and sediment control industry.
IECA Membership
An IECA membership can provide a connection to a diverse group of individuals from 30 countries who share the same concerns and professional challenges. IECA connects members with local events and information, conferences and field days, networking and education opportunities, industry publications, a members-only website, cost savings and more.
Networking | Broaden Your Network
Members who take the time to share ideas and build relationships are better positioned to expand their knowledge and advance their career.
IECA Events and Conferences
Get member-exclusive savings to attend IECA events, including the Australasian Annual Conference; the largest gathering of leaders in the erosion, sediment control and stormwater industries. IECA events provide members with the opportunity to network with erosion and sediment control professionals from around the world.
Serve on an IECA Committee or Board
Volunteering provides members with a great opportunity for networking and a closer look at how IECA’s efforts directly affect the industry. Volunteer to help shape IECA and influence the direction of erosion and sediment control in Australasia.
IECA Mentorship Program
The IECA Mentorship Program is designed to connect emerging leaders with seasoned professionals to encourage professional development and give back to the profession.
Professional Development | Enhance Your Knowledge
Professional development isn't an option, it's an ongoing necessity. IECA offers members more ways to increase their skillset and earn Professional Development Hours (PDH).
IECA Events and Conferences
Get member-exclusive savings to attend IECA events, including the Australasian annual conference; the largest gathering of leaders in the erosion, sediment control and stormwater industry. IECA events provide members with the opportunity to earn PDH/CE hours, develop business skills and expand their knowledge.
Recognition | Gain a Competitive Advantage
Leverage IECA member-only benefits to gain visibility and grow your business.
IECA Online Membership Directory
All IECA members receive a free listing in the IECA Membership Directory. Industry professionals look to the directory as an informative resource. Members can download the IECA member logo to add to marketing material, email signatures, business cards, websites and other collateral.
Advertising Discounts
IECA offers many opportunities for marketing through its publications, online advertising, event and conference sponsorships and exhibitor platforms.
Environmental Excellence Awards Program
Each year IECA acknowledges members of the Association and the industry who have made extraordinary contributions. Award winners serve as inspirational industry leaders and are recognised at the annual conference
and trade show.
IECA Approved Training
IECA Approved training is delivered by providers who are regarded as technically proficient in erosion and sediment control. Training providers wishing to promote their erosion and sediment control training courses as IECA Australasia Approved can do so by applying to IECA for approval.
Resources | Stay on the Cutting Edge
Increase professional effectiveness and learn vital information to keep current, stay on top of change and meet the challenges it presents.
IECA Enewsletter
Stay up to date with the latest original research and content to ensure career success. IECA is meticulous in ensuring members have access to timely information, educational news, surveys and special features highlighting the latest trends in erosion control and related fields through their enewsletter. Additional content can also be found on the IECA website.
Best Practice Erosion and Sediment Control Document
This essential reference document advocates the adoption of erosion and sediment control practices appropriate for the site conditions and the potential risks of the receiving environment. The document is an invaluable resource for the inexperienced practitioner as well as for the competent soil erosion and sediment control practitioner.
IECA Approved Training
IECA Approved training is delivered by providers who are regarded as technically proficient in erosion and sediment control and always accords with recognised industry best practice techniques.
IECA Career Centre
Offers employers and recruiters targeted access to the nation’s most qualified talent pool in the erosion and sediment control industry.
Contact & Information
International Erosion Control Association
P 02 4677 0901
E admin@austieca.com.au
W austieca.com.au