13 Nov 2012
The first two Green Star - As Built ratings for industrial facilities are positive proof that industrial facilities can be truly sustainable.

The first two Green Star - As Built ratings for industrial facilities are positive proof that industrial facilities can be truly sustainable.

The Metcash Distribution Centre in NSW, developed by Goodman Group, is the first distribution centre to be awarded a 4 Star rating under the Green Star - Industrial As Built v1 rating tool.
The Sherwood Road Bus Depot, developed by Commercial & Industrial Property Pty Ltd (CIP), championed by the Brisbane City Council and owned by Telstra Super, has been awarded a 5 Star Green Star - Industrial As Built v1 rating, and is also the first of its kind to be granted this rating.
“Both the Metcash Distribution Centre and Sherwood Road Bus Depot are landmark Green Star projects, with their certification proving that sustainable construction in the industrial market is achievable,” says Chief Executive of the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA), Romilly Madew.
“Sustainability can be a simple way to deliver cost-savings in the industrial sector. Operating from a Green Star rated industrial facility has the potential to increase efficiencies, cut costs and reduce carbon emissions, not to mention reduce worker injuries and boost employee satisfaction and performance - benefits that will be realised at both the Metcash Distribution Centre and Sherwood Road Bus Depot for many years to come,” Ms Madew adds.
The Metcash Distribution Centre, developed by Goodman Group, incorporates more than 77,000 square metres of ambient and temperature-controlled warehouse storage areas and 5,500 square metres of A-grade corporate office space.
The building features energy-efficient lighting which will reduce energy consumption by around 30 per cent and save more than 2,800 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions each year. Up to 300,000 litres of rainwater per year will be captured from the warehouse’s roof before being recycled for landscape irrigation, toilet flushing, cooling towers and truck washing. A Green Star ‘Innovation’ point was awarded for the materials efficiencies achieved through using a jointless steel fibre reinforced concrete in for the warehouse floor slab, which reduced the amount of concrete needed by 16 per cent, and the amount of steel needed by 40 per cent.
“The building’s energy efficiency initiatives alone are generating ongoing operational cost savings of 30 per cent, when compared to a standard warehouse facility,” says James Vesper, Head of Sustainability at Goodman Group.
Goodman Group was the Platinum Sponsor of the Green Star - Industrial rating tool, and has achieved three certified Green Star – Design ratings for industrial facilities, with a number of other projects registered to achieve ratings.
“We believe this project is representative of a shift in thinking about the value proposition of sustainability and certification within the industrial sector. Sustainability was a top consideration across all aspects of the Metcash development. The delivered outcome is commercially competitive and aims to provide Metcash with a market advantage,” Vesper adds.
Silvestro Morabito, Chief Operating Officer of Metcash says: “The Metcash grocery distribution centre in Western Sydney achieves four key measures of sustainability – benefits in running costs, individual employee benefits, improved organisational culture, and environmental benefits. We are really pleased with the Green Star rating, which signifies that the distribution centre represents best practice in environmentally sustainable design. It will offer ongoing environmental and cost efficiencies, while also fostering a sense of pride and a culture of innovation.”
The Sherwood Road Bus Depot, now owned by Telstra Super, achieved its 5 Star Green Star – Industrial As Built v1 rating for a range of initiatives, including light-filled offices, breakout areas and workshops, and excellent passive design as well as natural ventilation which makes the most of the Queensland climate. The project was also recognised for its site water collection, re-use and management strategy that treats stormwater through a biofiltration system which then provides most of the depot’s non-potable water demand.
The Brisbane City Council was committed to capturing the benefits of a Green Star-rated building when engaging development, design and construction company CIP to develop “a low-impact and environmentally sustainable facility employing the latest technology and design innovations” at Sherwood. CIP Managing Director, Paul McKenna, says, “sustainability is a core focus of our team, and a significant point of difference in our market sector.
We are committed to achieving the best environmental outcome for our clients, and in doing so we have found more often than not a sustainable outcome will also deliver a commercial edge due to the cost savings afforded by energy efficiency.”
“Telstra Super was attracted to this development because it supports a progressive and sustainable approach to transport infrastructure, and offers long-term value for all parties involved”, said Telstra Super Chairman David Leggo, who also chairs the Fund’s Investment Committee. “We are proud to align ourselves with this state-of-the art facility, which is not only a quality addition to our property portfolio but also an important part of the city’s growing infrastructure.”
Particularly notable achievements included the recycling of more than 90 per cent of waste generated throughout construction and demolition, a 50 per cent abatement in greenhouse gas emissions as compared to benchmark projects, a 35 per cent net reduction (by mass) of structural steel while conserving structural integrity, and the use of concrete with an overall average cement reduction of 46 per cent through the replacement of Portland cement with industrial by-products such as fly ash and granulated blast furnace slag.
“Achieving a Green Star - As Built rating requires a project team to physically deliver what was promised during the design phase,” says the sustainability consultant on the project, Umow Lai’s Lizzie Adams. “We needed to be incredibly diligent, and demonstrate that everything, right down to the last can of paint, was sustainable.”
“Both the Metcash Distribution Centre and the Sherwood Road Bus Depot are examples of high-performance industrial facilities that are comfortable, cost-effective, productive and environmentally sustainable. These projects demonstrate that it is getting easier to be green,” Ms Madew concludes.
The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) is Australia’s leading authority on green buildings and communities. The GBCA was established in 2002 to develop a sustainable property industry in Australia and drive the adoption of green building practices. The GBCA has more than 700 member companies who work together to support the Council and its activities. The GBCA promotes green building programs, technologies, design practices and processes, and operates Australia’s only national voluntary comprehensive environmental rating system for buildings - Green Star. See: www.gbca.org.au