08 May 2012
AILDM is pleased to invite you to a presentation and discussion on the Complying Development Code on Wednesday May 30.
AILDM is pleased to invite you to a presentation and discussion on the Complying Development Code - with a focus on landscaping projects.
Since the introduction of the NSW Housing Code in 2008 increasingly more opportunities have been provided for developments to be assessed as Complying Developments. This can include decks, pergolas, pools and retaining walls. Insight Building Certifiers will explain how the process operates and the benefits for you and your clients.
We look forward to seeing you at this event.
AILDM Seminar – Complying Development
Greengate Hotel (Pacific Highway, Killara). Upstairs in the private bar.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Cost (including light refreshments) - AILDM Members: $25; AILDM Student Members: $20; Non Members: $30
Please RSVP by completing the registration form - and returning it to AILDM.