11 May 2017
An Australian tree fern has become the first greenlife planted in Amazon’s giant nature-filled biospheres - the company’s new $4 billion greenhouse-like campus currently under construction in Seattle.
Tech giant Amazon took a big step towards completing its incredible nature-filled biospheres last week. The company celebrated its ceremonial ‘first planting’—an Australian tree fern—inside the campus’ three giant geodesic spheres. The 3.3-metre-tall fern is the first of what will be hundreds of tropical plants to fill the domes in the heart of Seattle.
Designed by NBBJ, the three steel-framed spheres are part of Amazon’s $4 billion planned campus that will cover 10 blocks of downtown Seattle when complete. Although the greenhouse-like biospheres will not have official office space, they will be filled with hundreds of tropical plants. Workers can use the space as a therapeutic outlet, which the company believes will help encourage employees to “think and work differently.”
The giant spheres—the tallest of the three reaches 27.4 metres in height and 39.6 metres in diameter—will be set to 60 percent humidity and 22 degrees Celsius during the day. The multistory glass buildings can accommodate over 800 staff and personnel. Over 3000 exotic plant species are currently being incubated and tested for the spheres at a nearby greenhouse. The high-tech greenhouses are slated for completion in early 2018.
© AP images for Amazon