26 Aug 2021
Create visually harmonious pavements by hiding a trench drain from view with ACO. Read on to find out more.
A grate’s primary function is to ensure all the surface runoff on a pavement enters the drainage system efficiently but on occasions designers want to hide the trench drain from view as it may detract from the appearance of the pavement
There are two options for creating visually harmoniously pavements. Both are installed into ACO Polycrete® Channels with a removable access unit is available for maintenance.
1. Brickslot (slotted tops)
Slotted tops are discreet drainage options for use with brick pavers, stone pavers and tiles. The discreet slots of the grate blend within the surrounding floor material for an aesthetic, sleek finish.
This also enables the slip resistance of the drain to be the same as the surrounding pavement.
- ACO offers the industry the widest range of slotted tops in both stainless steel and galvanised steel.
- Designed to be heel, bicycle, wheelchair and walking cane friendly.
- Available in a variety of slot configurations – single, double (adjacent of separated) suitable for urban pavements, commercial buildings and residential projects.
2. EcoPanel (Linear permeable pavers)
The second option gives designers the opportunity to create borders or visual demarcation lines with pavement like materials which act as drains
EcoPanel is a stormwater trench drain cover consisting of a galvanised steel frame that is filled with a permeable UV stable resin-bonded aggregate. This unique combination provides a durable load bearing surface enclosed in an engineered frame, allowing for water infiltration.
Available in eight marble/granite colours, suitable applications include parks, playgrounds and landscaped areas. EcoPanel is independently load, hydraulically tested and slip resistance to AS 4586: P5
To find out more about ACO click on the links below.