27 Nov 2013
This exciting new project is particularly challenging as the creek corridor is currently infested with several class 3 declared pests.

In November 2013, Evolve Environmental Solutions commenced revegetation works in the creek corridor adjacent to Greendale Way, Carindale. This exciting new project situated on an old farm in the Carindale region is particularly challenging as the creek corridor is currently infested with several class 3 declared pests. Cat’s Claw Creeper Vine (Macfadyena ungis-cati) and Camphor laurel trees (Cinnamomum camphora) are choking out the remnant rainforest species other than those situated along the water’s edge and they must be removed as part of the conditions of development.

The Brisbane City Council has placed very stringent conditions on how the area is to be treated, with regular water quality tests and silt management inspections occurring, ensuring the current native fish habitat remains undisturbed.
Also affecting the process is the management of sunlight on the creek corridor. The Evolve team need to manage light levels (so as to not adversely affect existing tree ferns and cordylines lining the creek) and water temperature as this is critical for the preservation of the native fish habitat.
Initial weed treatment is to remove the cat’s claw vine, and targeted removal of camphor laurel trees, then rehabilitation works can commence. The revegetation works will take approximately five years to complete, with over 40,000 native plant species reintroduced to the area.
The highlight of the revegetation programme will be the introduction of several hundred Strangler Figs (Ficus obliqua) as the long term strategy to remove the camphor laurel trees from the ‘ultra-sensitive’ creek edge.
Evolve Environmental Solutions is managed by a fully qualified horticulturalist with over 25 years’ experience in the industry as well as a team leader who is a qualified environmental scientist specialising in water management.
Evolve understands positive outcomes can only be achieved through hard work, dedicated qualified people and quality management systems.
For more information call 07 3350 8388 or visit www.evolveenvironmental.com.au