10 Apr 2013
Kidsafe NSW has released ‘Grow me Safely’, a new website resource that provides information related to gardening with children.

Kidsafe NSW has released ‘Grow me Safely’, a new website resource that provides information related to gardening with children. The website provides plant lists for veggie gardens and sensory gardens, plants to avoid, and injury data information.

Kidsafe NSW promotes natural play environments for children. As part of our commitment to natural play environments we are delighted to present a website resource that can support groups to plan for natural areas or develop vegetable gardens in their playspaces. Gardening with children is promoted in the National Quality Framework for Education and Care Services, and the NSW Primary Syllabus.
The website resource was developed in response to the large amount of enquiries that Kidsafe NSW receives regarding suitable plants in children’s gardens and funded by the 2011 Young Horticulturist of the Year Award (coordinated by the Australian Institute of Horticulture on behalf of the Ryde Horticulture Students Fund). Many agencies and organisations contributed to the review, content, images and injury data collection to ensure the website tool is accurate, practical and promotes positive messages regarding gardening activities with children.
To access the website visit the Kidsafe NSW website and click on the ‘Grow me Safely’ sign at this link: