16 Nov 2016
The Landscape Queensland Construction Excellence Awards have been handed out for 2016, and the host of winners are in excellent company, proving what great shape the landscape industry is in.

The annual Landscape Queensland Construction Excellence Awards for 2016 proved to be a rousing success, and demonstrated just what good shape the Queensland landscape industry is in.

Celebrating at the Brisbane Hilton, the awards were attended by the Minister for Housing & Pubic Works the Honourable Mick de Brenni and some 400 guests from throughout the landscape design and construction industry.
In a change to the traditional format, the 2016 QLD Landscape Construction of the Year award was presented for both Residential and Commercial sectors of the industry. Competing against entries from throughout QLD, Tecscape Landscape Contractors won the QLD Residential Landscape Construction of the Year for their Sanctuary Cove project, and Eureka Landscapes were successful in winning the QLD Commercial Landscape Construction of the year for Forest Green Park at Gainsborough Green, Pimpama.
Some of the winners on the night were:
Residential Landscape Construction of the Year | Residential
Tecscape Landscaping Contractors | Sanctuary Cove
Landscape Construction of the Year | Commercial
Eureka Landscapes | Forest Green Park, Gainsborough Green, Pimpama
Best Landscape Feature | Residential
Living Style Landscapes | Pelican Waters
Residential above $120,001
Contemporary Landscaping | Doonan
Residential $250,000+
Bioscapes Gold Coast | Isle of Capri
Residential Design & Construct over $80,001
A & R Evergreen | Paddington
Best Landscape Feature | Commercial
Eureka Landscapes | Riverside Green Retaining Walls, South Brisbane
Commercial $200,001 to $500,000
Dig-It Landscapes | Newstead Early Learning Centre, Fortitude Valley
Commercial $500,001 to $1M
Eureka Landscapes | Yarrabilba Sales Office, Yarrabilba
Commercial $1M+
Eureka Landscapes | Forest Green Park, Gainsborough Green, Pimpama
Ecological Rehabilitation Award
Evolve Environmental Solutions | Ewer St Riparian Corridor, Carindale
For a full list of winners CLICK HERE
Landscape Queensland would like to thank the following sponsors: AWX “Partners in People”, Boral Roofing & Masonry, CBUS Super, CSQ, Centenary Landscaping Supplies, Connect Truckers, Dial before U Dig, Ecoplant Australia, Gibsons Business Consultants, Greenstock Nurseries, Horticultural Training, Imagecrete, Insurance House, Polyfabrics Australasia, Queensland Homes, Reece Irrigation, TAFE Queensland – South West, Timberwolf, Toyota Material Handling Aust. Trade Alliance Group, Universal Magazines and Urban Turf Solutions.
Images (top to bottom): Living Style Landscapes, Pelican Waters; Eureka Landscapes, Riverside Green, Southbank; Fig Tree Landscapes, Wesley Terraces, John Paul College, Daisy Hill; Evolve Environmental Solutions, Ewer St Riparian Corridor, Carindale; Bioscapes Gold Coast, Isle of Capri.