05 Apr 2023
As we near closer to the final draft of designs for the long-awaited Melbourne Greenline, lets take a closer look into what is in stall for the mega public space project.

Chosen by the city to design the Greenline is landscape architect firms Aspect Studios and T.C.L. With a draft to be finalised in the coming months, the Greenline project will be an urban oasis for Melburnians.
The Greenline is set to span four kilometres through five precincts within Melbourne City. The large project includes an abundance of hard and soft landscaping elements that will either be constructed or renovated from the existing landscape. This includes parklands, community and cultural spaces, terraced steps and expansion of riverside promenade. The Greenline will feature native planting and environment renewal of the existing greenspaces.
Alongside outdoor community spaces for residents to enjoy some fresh air within the urban cityscape, artistic and cultural institutions as well as rooftop restaurants and cafes are also included in the Greenline project. These hospitality venues will be developed at the Banana Alley Vaults, providing a coffee stop for Greenline promenade walkers and a breakfast spot along the river for locals.
The Greenline project is set to create more than 3,400 jobs during its constructions and 6,400 jobs by 2042. Set to attract 1.1 million visitors to the city each year, the Greenline will be an asset to the cityscape environment providing a fresh, new outdoor space for locals and visitors to enjoy.
Images via Concrete Playground and Urban Developer