01 Dec 2009
ECO Rain® Root Zone Irrigation Mat is the latest development in sub-surface irrigation technology.
ECO Rain® Root Zone Irrigation Mat is the latest development in sub-surface irrigation technology. It provides a source of water to the root system while giving total coverage of the entire area to be irrigated.
ECO Rain® Root Zone Irrigation Mat is a sub-surface irrigation system that uniquely provides an even distribution of water to the root zone of the vegetation to the entire area. This patented system consists of two layers of geotextile mat, 800mm wide, encasing a drip line which is fully wrapped in the geotextile.
The advantages of ECO Rain® are:
• Offers uniform irrigation and does not rely in the capillary action of the soil to transfer the water to the roots as in other systems
• Increased water storage capacity of the soil due to the textile structure of the mat
• Irrigation can take place at any time without a loss of amenities
• As the system is sub-surface the use of recycled water is permissible
• The risk of vandalism and damage during maintenance is reduced
• Areas such as slopes and mounds in parks and gardens are more efficiently irrigated
• Water usage is reduced by the elimination of over spraying of water where it is not needed and because there is no evaporation
Typical areas of application of ECO Rain® are:
• Roof gardens and green roofs
• Sporting facilities such as golf tees
• Agricultural applications such as vineyards, nurseries fruit growing
• Small irregular shaped areas which are difficult to irrigate by other methods
A recent project in Germany used grass as a noise dampener in between the tracks of a tram system. Conventional irrigation systems could not be used in this electrified area so therefore ECO Rain® was the chosen system.
R & D
Test fields in Abu Dhabi have compared the ECO Rain® with conventional pop-up sprinklers and standard drip line systems and the results have indicated water savings of up to 60 per cent are achieved with ECO Rain® when compared with the sprinkler system.
This product was granted the “Innovation” Award at TechTextil 2007 in the category of New Products.
Ph: 02 8825 6300
Images (top to bottom): ECO Rain® Sub-surface irrigation mat; during installation; and after installation.