26 Jun 2019
The winners of AILA’s 2019 Queensland Landscape Architecture Awards has been announced, with each project highlighting the positive impact that landscape architecture can have on the community, wellbeing and environment.

Landscape Architecture Award | Urban Design - Baringa Town Square
The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) recognised 20 winners across 12 categories, including five Awards of Excellence and four Regional Achievement Awards, highlighting projects that celebrated environmental and historic landmark preservation, the restoration of neglected urban nodes and spaces that bring communities together.
AILA Queensland President David Uhlmann said this year’s awards demonstrated the forward-thinking, innovative and diverse approaches of the landscape architects of our state.
“The winning projects highlight the positive impact that carefully planned and well-executed landscape architecture can have on our community, wellbeing and the environment,” Mr Uhlmann said. “This year we received 62 award submissions from an impressive range of cities and towns, which goes to show the number of high-calibre landscape architecture projects on our doorstep.”
Among the winners were five residential communities making use of protected space and adding value for residents, which was highlighted by two Awards of Excellence.
City of Gold Coast’s Arundel Wetlands and Form Landscape Architects’ Forest Green Park on the Gold Coast both received Awards of Excellence for the natural enhancement of local residential communities.
Award of Excellence | Small Projects - Eden Lane
“The Arundel Wetlands project is an exemplary model for the collaboration of landscape architecture, local governance and private development, to create a natural wetland from what once was illegal landfill,” Mr Uhlmann said. “Forest Green Park also demonstrates a case of seamlessly nature-based play, setting a new standard for suburban residential community parks.
“In both instances, developers and consultants have worked together to create sensual, community-focused spaces that embrace surrounding nature and wildlife.”
The urban revitalisation of city nodes was highly commended in Brisbane, led by Eden Lane in Woolloongabba by RPS Group, which took out an Award of Excellence for the lush renewal of what was previously an exit shaft for a tunnel boring machine.
“Eden Lane is uniquely Queensland, in the sense that it is not your typical grungy Melbourne laneway, but the strip displays simplicity and elegance of form while encouraging exploration and immersion,” Mr Uhlmann said.
Lat27 was presented with an Award of Excellence and highly commended for its transformation of the Oxley Creek corridor in Brisbane into a green, sustainable lifestyle and leisure destination.
Landscape Architecture Award | Tourism - The Ville
“The landscape architects of the Oxley Creek Masterplan have demonstrated best practice strategies for restoration and conservation, unlocking the corridor’s potential and delivering a community and recreation asset of the highest quality and value,” Mr Uhlmann said.
James Cook University’s Verandah Walk in Townsville also received an Award of Excellence for providing a cultural heart of the campus that truly reflects its surroundings.
“The team at Wilson Architects have delivered a multipurpose initiative that enhances the brand of place, wayfinding, gathering opportunities, safety and immersion in the natural beauty of the campus,” Mr Uhlmann said.
Restoring and recognising cultural heritage was also an important element of the awards, with All Hallows School and 900 Ann Street & Holy Trinity Church in Brisbane taking out the top gongs.
Award of Excellence | Urban Design - James Cook University
Regional landscape architects stole the show in the tourism category, with Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Townsville, Toowoomba, Yeppoon and Winton each taking out awards.
“Cities and towns thrive when the environment is welcoming and senses are ignited through innovative placemaking techniques,” Mr Uhlmann said. “It’s very inspiring to see the calibre of work being delivered across Queensland by landscape architects who are leading the way in creating liveable spaces.”
AILA Queensland Award of Excellence and Landscape Architecture Award winners will gain automatic entry into National AILA Awards.
The National AILA awards will be held on 10 October 2019 in Melbourne, in conjunction with the annual International Festival of Landscape Architecture.
AILA Queensland is proudly sponsored by Eureka Landscapes, Evolve Environmental Solutions and Innovative Rigging.
Landscape Architecture Award | Parks & Open Space - Everleigh Park
The winners are as follows:
Arundel Wetlands – Gold Coast | City of Gold Coast
Land Management
Oxley Creek Transformation – Brisbane | Lat27 & Oxley Creek Transformation
Small Projects
Eden Lane – Brisbane | RPS Group
Urban Design
James Cook University Verandah Walk – Townsville | Wilson Architects
Forest Green Park – Logan | Form Landscape Architects
Landscape Architecture Award | Playspaces - Bunya Adventure Playground
Bunya Adventure Playground – Moreton Bay | SLR Consulting Australia
Urban Design
Baringa Town Square – Sunshine Coast | Place Design Group
Civic Landscape
West Village Common – Brisbane | RPS Group
Cultural Heritage
All Hallows School – Brisbane | Wilson Architects
Cultural Heritage
900 Ann Street & Holy Trinity Church – Brisbane | Lat27
Riverlight, Hamilton Reach – Brisbane | Lat27
Land Management
Muller Street – Brisbane | AS Design
Landscape Planning
Logan River Accessibility & Connectivity Plan – Logan | Tract Consultants & Logan City Council
Parks & Open Space
Everleigh Park – Logan | Form Landscape Architects
Research, Policy & Communications
Collaboration toward Cities that Thrive – Communicating the role of Healing Gardens |By Conrad Gargett
The Ville – Townsville | 360 Degrees Landscape Architexts
Regional Achievement Award | Tourism - Yeppoon Foreshore Town Centre Revitalisation
Waltzing Matilda Centre – Winton | RPS Group
Yeppoon Foreshore & Town Centre Revitalisation – Yeppoon | Place Design Group
Broadbeach Entry Sign – Gold Coast | City Place Making & City of Gold Coast
Toowoomba Regional Council Entry Statements – Toowoomba | FRED St
Via AILA Press Release